Friday, February 29, 2008
News -080229 of today's Japan.

Thursday, February 28, 2008
News -080228 of today's Japan.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
News -080227 of today's Japan.

ASASYOURYU was left like a storm.After that, HAKUHOU corresponded to reporters quietly.Moreover, ASASYOURYU is likely to become a problem.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
News -080226 of today's Japan.

Monday, February 25, 2008
News -080225 of today's Japan.

Sunday, February 24, 2008
News -080224 of today's Japan.

Osaka.The camouflage which became clear became the lunch of 15,900 meals.Camouflage was performed one year or more before.It is said that there is now no report of healthy damage.The president of TAKESI TATEGAMI which gave an interview apologized.It is likely to grow into a problem again now when the safety of a meal is said.A photograph is unrelated to the contents.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
News -080223 of today's Japan.

A digital image began to be accepted also for a corporation use.Thereby, the demand of the film of an instant camera decreased further.Finally the production end was decided.
Friday, February 22, 2008
News -080222 of today's Japan.

A picture is unrelated to the text.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
News -080221 of today's Japan.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
News -080220 of today's Japan.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
News -080219 of today's Japan.

Yesterday was a practice day of a band.A folk song is a center.I like Beatles.I like performing various music.Do you play some musical instruments? .
Monday, February 18, 2008
News -080218 of today's Japan.

Making the station and underground center of a subway into an evacuation area was examined.
As for it, Japan imagined the attack of a ballistic missile.
Furthermore, the case where it became the target of the terrorism by mass-destruction weapons was imagined.
A subway and an underground center are important also as a temporary shelter.
The postscript of edit.
Good morning.
My child bought the car.
Elder brothers bought the new car.
The younger brother bought an elder brother's car at a low price.
The present child is richer than parents.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
News -080217 of today's Japan.

Saturday, February 16, 2008
News -080216 of today's Japan.

The postscript of edit.It was Valentine Day yesterday.Two-piece chocolate was got.Tomorrow is a holiday.Let's rest slowly.I who remembered am the practice day of a band.They are tomorrow's news or pleasure.
Friday, February 15, 2008
News -080215 of today's Japan.

Uniting with the rise of gold quotations, the Ministry of Finance started sale in 2005 for reconstruction of the economy.A profit on sale is likely to amount to a total of 5 billion - 6 billion yen.All are due to be transferred to a general account as nontax revenues of Japan.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
News -080214 of today's Japan.

Ichikawa's name was loved all over Japan in the first documentary "Tokyo Olympic Games" 1965.A player's expression and operation were pursued with 150 cameras.The movie became an unprecedented big hit.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
News -080213 of today's Japan.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
News -080212 of today's Japan.

Monday, February 11, 2008
News -080211 of today's Japan.

The unpaid problem of school lunch expense has spread all over Japan.There were many vicious cases where it did not pay although it can pay.A legislative action will be taken to the guardian who does not pay.The concept of it fairness meal burden is not materialized.It is a reason.Shimada-shi, Shizuoka saw the temporary conclusion in the trial.
Shimada-shi investigated the charge-for-school-lunch unpaid household in 2007.It turned out that about 5 million yen of 68 households are nonpayment.Payment was demanded by the document or the direct visit.No less than eight households had the house which disregarded the claim completely.It does not seem to become destitute especially in a life, either, and lives in the splendid house.When a teacher visited, the situation where violence was used also occurred.It appealed to the trial in July, 2007.The amount of nonpayment of 8 household sum total changed to about 1,200,000 yen.
The postscript of edit.How are you?The problem of the charge for school lunch is in the lowness of Japanese morals.Japan was also very poor a long time ago.There were many houses which cannot pay the charge for school lunch.However, present Japan is a very rich country.It cannot imagine in present Japan.Is such an incident also in your country? .Let's meet you again.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
News -080210 of today's Japan.

Saturday, February 9, 2008
News -080209 of today's Japan.

Friday, February 8, 2008
News -080208 of today's Japan.

Thursday, February 7, 2008
News -080207 of today's Japan.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
News -080206 of today's Japan.

They are cautions at alcohol before sleeping.
Before sleeping, there are many people who drink alcohol.However, if alcohol is drunk before sleeping, it turns out that it does not attach to deep sleep.It also becomes the cause of various sleep obstacles.Alcohol before sleeping needs to be warned.It is the same as having lost consciousness.Director Inoue of a hospital says.As for alcohol before sleeping, neither a brain nor the body is fully rested.It wakes up repeatedly in the dead of night.It becomes impossible moreover, to sleep in a little alcohol.The quantity of drinking will increase gradually.Don't drink 3 - 4 hours before sleeping.He is teaching so.
The postscript of edit.In my case, alcohol is drunk every day.It cannot stop, although it understands.Do you like alcohol?I am favorite.Let's meet you again.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
News -080205 of today's Japan.

Monday, February 4, 2008
News -080204 of today's Japan.

Sunday, February 3, 2008
News -080203 of today's Japan.

Saturday, February 2, 2008
News -080202 of today's Japan.

A singer's Kouda Kumi spoke about pregnancy with radio.
When a singer's Kouda Kumi became 35 years old, it said that Yousui rotted.Yousui means the thing of moisture which has wrapped the baby.The complaint poured in from the person who was hearing it.This utterance called the big ripple on the Internet.There has been a lot of criticism of a singer's Kouda Kumi not having consideration.Of Mr. Kouda Kumi's of a singer's affiliation office was said.Correspondence is under deliberations now.
The postscript of edit.
It is a meeting today.Since business results are bad, I am scolded by the president.I do not want to go.What do you think? .
Friday, February 1, 2008
News -080201 of today's Japan.

About suspect Kenji Haga's extortion incident
Kenji Haga, an entertainer.A former boxer's Jiro Watanabe.They did not accept the fact to the lawsuit of a trial.Two persons threatened the real estate company president.And you tried to make it abandon a debt.Two persons are sued for the threatened crime.
The postscript of edit.How are you?My home is Akagi-cho of Gumma Prefecture.A delicious dining-room is near the house.Ramen noodles are very delicious.I ate today.February 25 goes to eat with its wife.I also want you to eat.Thank you.