Sunday, September 27, 2009

The warship island of the island in which it was sealed is popular.

As for the island in which it was sealed, the time has stopped at Showa.Only the sound of the wave struck against a pier sounds.It is the warship island which appears off the Nagasaki peninsula.The circumference is about 1200m island.It prospered in the submarine coal mine.A formal name is called HASIMA.It is the history of a warship island at the beginning of Meiji.The closed mountain was carried out in Showa 49.There was about 5300 population of the golden age.The island went into the provisional list of world heritage in January, this year.Sightseeing was permitted in April.It exceeds anticipation and is popular.
The postscript of edit.The cat made excrement my bedroom.The entrance only for cats is examined.There is practice of a band today.

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