Repair of water.
The repair trouble of a place equipped with a water supply is increasing.
It advertises with a "low charge.
It advertises with a "low charge.
"However, a high charge is charged.
A kitchen, a bath, a toilet, etc. are mainly repair of a place equipped with a water supply.
The National Consumer Information Center announced it.
There was also a case where the large sum contract of 10 million yen was taken.
The consultation brought near in the whole country tends to increase every year.
There was consultation of 795 affairs in the current fiscal year (as of December 10).
It is increasing no less than 52.3% compared with the same time of the preceding year.
The National Consumer Information Center is appealing for cautions as "the worst ever pace."
The postscript of edit.
It is very cold today.
Water froze.
The cat of the idler of a house does not move further.
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