Cancer will be deterred, if it puts into water before lifting a potato.It was announced in Britain.It turned out that formation of acrylamide currently suspected as a carcinogen can be suppressed.Researchers are decreasing acrylamide formation remarkably and suppose that a healthy risk will also be reduced.acrylamide is formed in food.It lifts.It steams.It burns.It roasts.It is formed when it cooks at high temperature.It is the food containing many starch.In research, a potato is washed, before lifting.It dips in water for 30 minutes.It dips in water for 2 hours.Three kinds of approaches were tried.As a result, it became clear that the level of acrylics amide decreases 48% 38% 23%, respectively.However, this is a result at the time of lifting lightly, and also when it lifts firmly until it becomes light brown, it is unknown whether there is any same effect.
The postscript of edit.Good morning.Work will be closed tomorrow.It is pleasure before a rest.Yesterday daytime ate the beef bowl.It is the Yoshino house.The Yoshino house resumed beef bowl sale from this month for 24 hours.It is because American beef was securable.They are delightful news.
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