Saturday, July 5, 2008

Master Takanohana of sumo wrestling appealed against the weekly pictorial magazine.

The elder brother, Mr. Masaru Hanada, is former yokozuna Wakanohana.Takanohana is 35 years old.Mr. Hanada is 37 years old.Takanohana said that it was damaged by honor.It appealed against Kodansha of a publishing agency.Moreover, it asked for reparations.Furthermore, Takanohana said.There was no chief mourner argument about a father's funeral.A father is first Takanohana.He are two fathers.The match doubt of the Takanohana master and Mr. Hanada also denied.
The postscript of edit.Good morning.They are the news of sumo wrestling today.Two persons are brothers and grew into the yokozuna.It is not in the history of sumo wrestling.It is an inspiring feat.However, his father passed away from cancer.It was divorced from its wife.As for two persons, relations changed bad.The fan was disappointed.

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