Ten persons' death was confirmed in the Biei mountain in Hokkaido.It became an accident large-scale as mountain climbing of summer.The saved man said.It seemed to be cold and was likely to die.Criticism is concentrating on the judgment which forced the schedule in bad weather.
The Noriyuki Konishi director mobilized to rescue talked.In the Biei mountain, temperature falls, so that water freezes also in summer.Firm equipment is required.
The postscript of edit.Good morning.I am continuing muscular training.Hair became thin.I want to transplant hair.It talked to the wife.
The Noriyuki Konishi director mobilized to rescue talked.In the Biei mountain, temperature falls, so that water freezes also in summer.Firm equipment is required.
The postscript of edit.Good morning.I am continuing muscular training.Hair became thin.I want to transplant hair.It talked to the wife.
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